Quick deploy docker scripts for running a private network


Operating System: Ubuntu 16.04 64-bit or higher

Tools: Docker, Docker Compose


Network Ports

Following network ports need to be open for the nodes to communicate

*-auto-increment depending on number of nodes

Clone repository

git clone https://github.com/XinFinorg/XDC01-docker-Nnodes.git    

Step: 1 Install docker & docker-compose

sudo ./install_docker.sh

Step: 2 Pull image from Docker Hub

sudo docker pull xinfinorg/quorum:v2.1.0

Step: 3 Launch the setup script

cd static-nodes
sudo ./setup.sh

Enter number of nodes, private IP of host machine & unique docker subnet. You can view private IP of your machine using ifconfig.

To Check private IP address(internal (network) IP address) on Ubuntu GUI:

  • Open the Activities overview and start typing Network.

  • Click on Network to open the panel.

  • Choose which connection, Wi-Fi or Wired, from the left pane.

  • The IP address for a wired connection will be displayed on the right.

  • Click the settings button to see the IP address for the wireless network in the Details panel.

sudo docker-compose -p <PROJECT_NAME_STATIC_NODE> up -d

Replace with your project name.

Accessing console

sudo docker exec -it PROJECT_NAME_STATIC_NODES_node_1_1 geth attach /qdata/dd/geth.ipc

Stopping the network

sudo docker-compose -p <PROJECT_NAME_STATIC_NODE> down

Adding a new node to the existing network

Install docker & pull image on the new host machine as done earlier in Step 1 & 2

cd dynamic-node
sudo ./setup.sh

Enter the public IP of the new host machine (private IP in case of local setup, assigned by router) Enter the node number (e.g. if you have 3 nodes up with the initial setup then node number here would be 4)

Copy enodeID from enode-url.json then attach to geth console of any running node & execute


Start the new node

cd dynamic-node
sudo docker-compose -p <PROJECT_NAME_DYNAMIC_NODE> up -d

Upgrade Network

Pull newer version of image from docker hub

sudo docker pull xinfinorg/quorum:v2.x.x

Stop containers running old version

sudo docker-compose -p <PROJECT_NAME_STATIC/DYNAMIC_NODE> down

Update docker-compose.yml to use new image (specify quorum:TAG_NAME as argument)

sudo ./update_quorum.sh quorum:v2.x.x

Run new version

sudo docker-compose -p <PROJECT_NAME_STATIC/DYNAMIC_NODE> up -d

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Last updated